Adoption of Innovative Models for the Management of Pastures for Food and Ecosystem Quality


To elaborate rational management models of natural pastures with specific reference to the soil, climatic and floristic characteristics of the Campania pastures. Identify synthetic indicators of environmental quality of pastures (soil, plant and animal communities). Develop breeding protocols aimed at achieving high levels of animal welfare. Evaluate the quality of the farm products following the PRV and the adoption of the specifications. Create a set of production specifications, pursuant to Reg. 1151/12 title IV, art29 and 31, based on the correct management of the pastures and therefore on the reduced environmental impact, as well as the commercial response to the productions obtained.


The AMIPAE project has made it possible to develop an efficient multidisciplinary experimental design to evaluate the effects of rational grazing; the indicators used consistently with the project have created a knowledge base that can be applied in the future to other similar test cases. On the basis of the results obtained the rational grazing does not create differences in the floristic richness in the short term. In particular, no increases in the number of invasive alien species were observed, which is one of the negative indices considered. This result is perfectly in line with the literature; the results may vary in the future continuing to apply the PRV in the same areas, highlighting dynamics and processes even more encouraging. Intensive grazing in the PRV areas did not have any adverse effects on the soil compared to the grazing area; this was found only a few days after the animals were removed from the test areas. The double grazing shift did not adversely affect the properties of the soil in relation to the non-grazed area. In addition, the results of the AMIPAE project are of international importance when framed in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2015. As regards animal welfare, for the farms under test the comparison between the traditional grazing group vs voisin did not show any statistically significant differences. To explain these results, it should be considered that the conditions of the control group are already high and that voisin does not cause changes in conditions that may limit the welfare levels of the subjects bred. The application of PRV allows to satisfy most of the nutritional needs of herbivores mainly fed with grass, keeping the turf in a state where the production and quality of the forage is maximized. Furthermore, the meat produced from grass has a lower cholesterol content than that raised in intensive farming. This allows them to adhere to organic certification and other certification systems, allowing farmers to tick higher prices for their products.


The project involves the application of the innovative "Voisin" (PRV) method, aimed at creating a rational process for the management of pastures while taking into account the three absolute elements of reference, "plant-soil-animal", as a systemic ecological unit in which each element must be considered according to its continuous interaction with the other elements. The PRV is therefore an innovative system that allows animals to benefit from high nutritional quality feed and increased pasturage availability, as well as a better performance in regards to production of meat and milk.


The “PRV” will be applied to companies partnered with the project, who joined by making available the business chosen in three different provinces, Avellino, Salerno, and Benevento. These businesses present different typologies, in order to test the “PRV” in different environmental, climatic and soil conditions. Furthermore, all companies have ensured that part of the pasture will be managed with traditional methods in order to carry out the necessary comparative analyses with Voisin.

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno
Action manager
Antonio Limone
Università degli studi della Campania L. Vanvitelli
Action manager
Sandro Strumia
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II - Dipartimento di Agraria
Action manager
Fabian Capitanio
Azienda Agricola "Morena Tobia"
Action manager
Tobia Morena
Azienda Agricola "Belperio Luigi"
Action manager
Luigi Belperio
Azienda Agricola "Cifrodelli Giovanni"
Action manager
Giovanni Cifrodelli
Pratice abstract

It is necessary to implement forms of management of grazing animals in order to: maximize the levels of ingestion and the energy yield of the ration in terms of milk and meat; respect the rhythms of the herd or herd (well-being); preserve and improve the forage quality of pork rinds while preserving their specific biodiversity; reduce trampling, pathways and consequent surface erosion; maintain or improve the level of environmental quality; conserve and preserve habitats. Grazing methods are therefore necessary, such as PRV, aimed at harmonizing the many variants related to pastoral activity in the most natural way possible, avoiding or minimizing mechanical interventions. The PRV aims to increase sustainability from an economic and environmental point of view compared to traditional practices, has the aim of guaranteeing animals a high level of well-being, improving the structure and fertility of the soil and increasing productivity per hectare compared to grazing free and / or planting of annual crops.


Presentazioni e video del convegno finale del GO AMIPAE

Campania, Gestione aziendale, I Gruppi Operativi, PEI-AGRI