Precision animal husbandry


Development of an IT platform able to provide dairy farming companies with sheep and cattle from the Marche region with information that improves the company's management.


Experimentation of an innovative business management system on a sample of dairy and cattle companies through the development of an IT platform capable of supplying the zootechnical companies of the Marche region with information that improves business management. The project is divided into three years, at the end of which some bank dates will be created that will also feed the IT platform in the future: Milk analysis database, feed tag analysis database, company database, production performance skills, quality performance skills.


The dairy farming sector in Italy is today facing challenges concerning the sustainability of productions, the reduction of environmental impact, the safeguarding of the welfare of animals for zootechnical use, the safety of food for animals and humans, the opposition to emerging health problems. In this, as in many other agrozootechnical fields, the decision-making level assumes a significant importance and must therefore make use of instruments capable of supporting the choices. The birth and development of the so-called precision farming is the answer to this growing need. It is based on the programmed, accurate and systematic collection of information and data that, once placed in open archiving systems, are subjected to analysis and processing aimed at supporting the decision-making phase in terms of targeted and maximally effective choices. While in the agronomic field, complex operating systems have already been developed and are in use, in the zootechnical field the available models and tools are still limited, in particular those related to health aspects. The adaptation of the dairy farm to the new production strategies requires a significant improvement in the effectiveness of the company processes and the optimization of the results. It is therefore necessary to start introducing in this sector operating systems that start from reliable data and information and, passing through coherent, sustainable and aware choices, lead to the development of actions based on validated and recognized protocols. Just about this last aspect, the fight against the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance is becoming an absolute priority, even in the agri-food sector.

Leader Cooperlat Società Cooperativa Agricola

Via Piandelmidico 74
60035 Jesi AN

0731 2381
Partner Fattorie Marchigiane Consorzio Cooperativo - Società agricola

Via Cerbara 81
61030 Colli al Metauro PU

0721 87981
Partner Latte Marche Società Cooperativa Agricola

Via Primo Maggio, 122
60121 Ancona AN

071 2868938
Partner Stalla San Fortunato Società Cooperativa Agricola

Via San Fortunato
60030 Serra de' Conti AN

0731 879768
Partner Società Cooperativa Agricola Lattiero Casearia Sibilla

Via A. Volta, 17
63857 Amandola FM

0736 847210
Partner Cooperativa Frentana S.r.l.

Via Re di Coppe
66034 Lanciano CH

0872 49047
Partner Montefeltro Latte Società Cooperativa Agricola

Località Certino Via A. Ciuffetti, 48
47863 Perticara Novafeltria RN

0541 915298
Partner Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche

Via Gaetano Salvemini 1
06126 Perugia PG

075 3431
Partner ASSAM - Agenzia Servizi Settore Agroalimentare delle Marche

Via Industria 1
60027 Osimo AN

071 8081
Pratice abstract

The innovation we intend to introduce concerns the definition of a zootechnical management model of dairy farms based on the creation of an IT platform that communicates with the IT systems of other GO partners and re-elaborates the data collected through the development of a specific algorithm , allows the categorization of companies based on 4 main thematic areas (well-being, bio-safety, health and use of the drug). The IT platform will also allow the precise definition of the critical issues on which to intervene, providing strategic support to farmers and veterinarians for identifying the corrective actions to be taken and for defining the most appropriate procedures to ensure company efficiency. The effectiveness of the innovativeThe management model will be experimented on a sample of companies by first defining the selection criteria of the same, and will allow to carry out a series of interventions that will no longer be undertaken only on the basis of experience or professionalism of the single operator, but established on the basis of the criticalities arising from the objective and systematic re-elaboration of data and information.
