Intelligent and sustainable viticulture


The aim of the project is to introduce technological innovation in the organic and low-impact vineyard cropping sector, through the evelopment of a prototype of a dynamic system for detection of vineyard weather data, vegetation canopy status parameters and environmental conditions. This system, integrated with a technological platform, will support operators in various operations of fertilizer and nutrient field distribution, taking into account the spatial variability of soils, thus reducing costs and improving environmental protection.


The project involves 4 wineries, which practice organic and low environmental impact wine production located in different territorial contexts. Each of these companies will test the platform and the sensors on an experimental field, in order to acquire integrated information of different nature. This information will be processed and made available to winemakers in an immediate and simple way in order to allow timely and sustainable decisions. In summary, the platform will offer decision-making support to companies for agronomic operations, with the aim of testing an intelligent and sustainable viticulture model.


The organic wine farms of the Marche are concentrated in the hills. Within the same vineyard there are areas with different composition and structure of the soil, humidity, lighting and microclimate: to these differences the culture responds accordingly, highlighting different states of physiological expression. In agronomic management it is necessary to take into account the dynamism of agricultural systems which is the cause of a strong temporal variability of production processes. This temporal variability means that the same agronomic intervention has different effects over the years. Precision viticulture (VP) aims to understand this spatial and temporal variability and the modulation of interventions according to variability, to optimize the results of the production process in economic and environmental terms. The VP uses a technology, which goes beyond the electronic sensors applied in the field, and is able to monitor the variability in the field and implement a specific site management that takes into account the variability. The latest innovations concern the development of management platforms for large amounts of data (Big Data) capable of providing accurate diagnosis and optimized management support, both in terms of agricultural production and global profitability, including the optimization of production factors and the estimate of economic and environmental benefits.

Azienda Vinicola Umani Ronchi Spa
Action manager
Dario Perticaroli
Malvasia Società Semplice di Garbini Paolo, Piotti Angiolina e Velino Ercole
Action manager
Paolo Garbini
Società Agricola La Staffa di Baldi Riccardo e C.S.S.
Action manager
Riccardo Baldi
Savini Giorgio
Action manager
Giorgio Savini
Action manager
Micol Filippetti
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Action manager
Sauro Longhi
Pegaso Management s.r.l.
Action manager
Stefano Castignani
Meccano Società Consortile P.A.
Action manager
Gennaro Pieralisi
Pratice abstract

The innovation will be represented by the experimentation of a dynamic detection prototype that considers vegetational parameters, environmental conditions, vegetative vigor and water and nutritional status of vine cultivation, connected to the computerized platform, the Smart Agri latform, a platform dedicated to agronomic management of crops. This technology differs from the increasingly widespread decision support systems (Decision Support Systems, DSSs) on the market.
The platform will be able to:
- provide support for decisions regarding nutrient distribution;
- supporting the operator during field operations by integrating with the
technologies for precision viticulture;
- manage the cultivation operations of the organic or low environmental impact vineyard according to the need for intervention and the organization of company personnel;
- generate advice and input prescriptions (fertilization doses);
- return the results of business management.
The intent is to modernize the wine sector, especially in the biological or low environmental impact process, and to provide operators with a powerful tool capable of supporting the technical and managerial management of agricultural activity. Integration between functions
SmartAgriPlatform which processes the data from the prototype detection system, with the machines having a variable rate of destination (variable-rate spreader), envisaged as a business investment,
it will allow the closure of the data flow with the use of the provisions deriving from the system and the achievement of a higher level of AP compared to the current state.
