Martesana durum wheat supply chain with zero chemical residue


The main purpose is to develop a production protocol characterized by a reasoned application of all cultivation practices, in particular the one that is aimed for defending against adversities and an optimised organisation of the various operations in the durum wheat supply chain, aimed at obtaining a product for consumption with "zero chemical residue", equivalent to the biological one (presence of residues of phytosanitary products <0.01 ppm) with high unit production levels and low environmental impact.


Experimental activity aimed at developing one or more cultivation paths to achieve zero residue durum wheat production. The selection of Plant Protection Products with suitable chemical-biological characteristics and the optimization of their application for timing, doses, thresholds and according to the criteria of integrated management and precision farming. The preparation of an "operational working protocol" must be respected by all farmers. Establishment of the durum wheat supply chain and marketing of “ Pasta della Martesana zero residue "


The production of durum wheat in Northern Italy, although marginal (15-18%) overall, is characterized by a higher productivity of about 6.0 t / ha of grain, as an average for the 12017 and 2018 marketing years, compared to that of the other regions of about 3.2 t / ha and a higher protein and gluten content. In particular, this crop his very compatible with the organisation and structure of cereal farms and contractors in Lombardy and in the Martesana area in particular. In fact, this crop shares the equipment and much of the knowledge and agrotechnical know-how with the other winter cereals, as it is neither an unknown nor a novelty. Rather, what has been identified the need to modulate and develop an agrotechnics aimed at durum wheat and not borrowed from soft weath without appropriate precautions. Finally, given the presence in the territory of very active milling and processing activities, a product of  traced territorial origin with a high quality and health profile (absence of phytosanitary residues - PF) already meets a strong demand. The emerging need of the GO is therefore to restore  the profitability of the agricultural enterprise. One of the step to achieve this recovery lies in the diversification of cultivation systems with the introduction of crops capable of recovering greater profitability without affecting the cost structure and investments. The production of durum wheat with a high quality and health profile due to the absence of PF residues is a possible way for GO farms to regain profitability. In other terms, the abandonment of commodities for the adoption of a specialty.

Agricola 2000 S.C.P.A.
Action manager
Daniele Villa
Università degli Studi di Torino - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari (DiSAFA)
Action manager
Amedeo Reyneri
Distretto Adda Martesana
Action manager
Roberto Pirola
Società Agricola Pirola Roberto Snc
Action manager
Roberto Pirola
Azienda Agricola Ceriani Maria Antonia
Action manager
Maria Antonia Ceriani
Azienda Agricola Mapi di Giudice Pietro
Action manager
Pietro Giudice
La Madonnina Srl
Action manager
Renato Bellaviti
Società Agricola San Bernardo S.S.
Action manager
Angelo Ranzani
Donà Mariangela
Action manager
Mariangela Donà
Pratice abstract

Developing a durum wheat production protocol for defence against adversity through:
• Targeted use of plant protection products (PPPs) chosen among the most environmentally friendly and with the best health profile (basic substances and low-risk substances in line with the EC Directive 128/2009) aimed at obtaining a consumer product with ""zero chemical residue"", equivalent to the biological one (presence of residues of plant protection products < a 0.01 ppm) 
• Use of tolerant/resistant varieties to adversities and therefore better suited to the project's objectives and the environmental characteristics of the Martesana area


Develop a production protocol for hard wheat to reduce the impact on biodiversity and climate to: 
• Reduce climate-altering gas emissions precision practises;
• Prevent the presence of pests and cryptogames through the use of monitoring strategies, agro-ecological crop management and the use of biocontrol techniques and Plant Growth Promotion techniques


The project will make it possible to lay the foundations for the establishment of a zero-residue durum wheat chain of excellence, in which farms will play a leading role in the entire production cycle. The process will allow the establishment of the 'Pasta della Martesana a residuo zero' brand, will lead to a highly qualified product that will increase its competitiveness on the market and enhance the profitability of the associated farms.


The adoption of an advanced communication plan to publicise the project, its potential and positive effects on the territory and consumers