Structuring of innovative cereal food chains based on seeds adapted to local agroecological systems
1) Increase cultivated biodiversity at farm level, and the diffusion of local varieties and populations of cereals in different growing areas, to obtain yield stability, reduction of production costs and subsequent increase of income at the farm level; 2) improving the nutritional and nutraceutical value of cereal-based foods, through the use of quality seeds, that lead to an increase of secondary metabolites; 3) to increase soil fertility through ecological and sustainable organic practices.
The project is aim is to establish a Community Seed Bank for the Veneto region, to promote the development of seed-systems and associated foods value-chains. This shall promote innovation, sustainability and the local economy. The min players will be local networks of farmers, who will contribute to multiplying and disseminating seed of local varieties and avolutionary populations (CCP) of maize and wheat, whitin specific micro-areas. The promoted changes in local practices, will have an impact on the whole organic cereal value-chain, starting from farm level, to the final consumer.
The need for innovation emerged in the GRAFIS project (funded by the Veneto Region in 2017) was to increase the availability of locally adapted genetic material, suitable to specific farming pratices, to organic and low-input management in the Veneto region, by the introduction and diffusion of local varieties and evolutionary populations.
Fully operational Community Seed Bank and its acknowledgement by farmers and stakeholders at National and European level
Collective seed management and distribution within a local farmer's network, through multiplication of at least 20 local varieties and evolutionary populations of cereals, a Manual on the acquisition of plant genetic resources, the involvement of at least 10 seed multiplier farmers
Raising awareness on seed systems management and on products derived from cereal value chains
Registration of local varieties and evolutionary populations on the national list, through the three dossier required for registration procedure
Identification of innovative quality production approaches, which favour a value-chain model based on fairness
Supporting the collective dynamics surrounding the region-value chain-product concept with the aim of achieving a technical and qualitative upgrade of the organic offer.
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Sito del progetto CONSEMI
Sito web
Materiali utili
Article - CONSEMI project: a FIRAB survey of homologous cereal supply chains
Materiali utili
Article - Collaboration with "Libera nos in campo" association
Materiali utili
Final results Consemi project
Materiali utili
Presentation of the Casa delle Sementi
Materiali utili
Raising awareness on seed systems management
Materiali utili
Results of the World cafè activity
Materiali utili
AVEPROBI - Veneto Association of Organic and Biodynamic Producers
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FIRAB - Italian Foundation for Research in Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture
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Pagina Facebook del progetto
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Reti Semi Rurali - Rural Seeds Network Association
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