Automation of water irrigation supply network by calculating the needs of farms according to IRRInet


The aim is to save water resources going to affect on efficiencies related to withdrawal and delivery of water by the Land Reclamation Consortia, to farms within the consortium districts.
The specific objectives are:
Saving water through the optimization of the openings of the consortium gates for withdrawal and delivery of irrigation water.
Couple the correct calculation of irrigation requirements of crops to water withdrawn by the Consortium.
Calculate the amount of water returned to the river system.
Evaluate the economic sustainability of the automatic water conveyance network to the Consortium of Reclamation.


Action 1: Development of a mathematical algorithm for the assessment of land irrigation crop requirements. The agronomic information will derived from IRRInet.
Action 2: Changes to the IRRInet software to apply the algorithm and adjust the opening and closing of the gates of irrigation networks.
Action 3: Application of that software in the test areas: Piacentina Test area, Bolognese Test area
Action 4: economic evaluation: The action will compute the economic sustainability of the automation of water conveyance network to the Consortium of Reclamation.

Consorzio di bonifica di secondo grado per il Canale Emiliano Romagnolo
Action manager
Roberto Genovesi
CRPV Soc. Coop. Centro Ricerche Produzioni Vegetali
Action manager
C.I.O. - Consorzio Interregionale Ortofrutticoli S.c.a.r.l.
Action manager
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari - DISTAL | Università di Bologna
Action manager
Davide Viaggio
Pratice abstract

The main result of the project aims is to save water resources. In the case introduced by this plan are assumed to follow mandatory outcome IRRInet and therefore it must be assumed to arrive at least 15% of water saving, thanks to overcome empiricism that affects the farmer's autonomous choices.
The main innovation benefit will save water resources, related to the entire regional irrigated area (257,000 ha), and to the entire network of conveyance (6000 km), it would be estimated:
• Water saving: 1405 Mm3 water withdrew/year * 15% = 21.075.000 m3
• Energy saving: 21.075.000 m3 / 0,0006 EUR = 12645 EUR/m lifted, assuming an average prevalence of 10 meters, the result is 126.450 euro. To which one must add the energy savings achieved in the districts with the water delivery pressure who heads varying from 60 to 80 meters.
On the side of the farm calculating the savings achieved due to the reduction of water and energy supply costs by the consortium, charged to each farm of the district, it will be a measure of relief that innovation will bring to the agricultural production sector in terms of less production costs, whose certainty is, moreover, out of the question.