Gaining of Olive Productivity by Artificial Pollination
Raising the productivity of olive groves and farm production through artificial pollination carried out with precision farming tools, reducing the alternation of production and the impact of favorable climatic events that may occur during flowering. Improve the overall agronomic management of the soil / plant system in regional olive groves, both in dry and irrigated areas, to support any increase in plant productivity.
The work will be done by selecting orchards representative of the whole regional olive sector including characteristic cultivar such as Olivastra Seggianese and dry and irrigated planting.
The pollen will be collected by two different approach:
- directly operated by the farmers;
- operated by specialized private company which will guarantee the future service to a large number of farmers in case of good result.
The pollen distribution will be performed by two different systems:
- manually by the farmers using small appliances;
- automated by innovative drones with selected operative flight routes calibrated for each orchard.
Farmers will be trained and the results disseminated.
This project want to address the problem of the low fruit set in olive plant by the use of pollen to be distributed within the olive grove (artificial pollination).
This practice, normally used in kiwi or apple fruit has been used on olive only locally over a small set of monocultivar plants. From a general point of view a small increasing in fruit set (normally estimated around 1-3%) would produce a 20-25% fruit weight increase of the orchard. The increase of the productivity could be possible in each Tuscan olive grove also the traditional ones, without any deep transformation or technical revolution.
By the project our group wants to test within several “model farm” how to check the blooming time, how to apply external pollen analyzing pro and cons of the practice also at the economical level.
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